This is formal notice that the Democratic Club is seeking volunteers for the 2025 leadership team.
The club’s charter states that volunteers are elected to specific positions on the leadership team. A maximum of eleven (11) positions are available for a one-year term, commencing on January 1, 2025, and ending on December 31, 2025: Every position is open, even those with returning incumbents.
The chair of the Nominating Committee is Diane Askwyth at Elaine Barlin and Marlene Gross Ackeret will serve on the committee.
Margy Feldman recently resigned as President and will not run again in 2025. David Hatton will not run for Vice-President again. Wendy Starkweather will not run for an At-Large position again. We thank them for their invaluable service to the club!
The following 2024 leadership team members have indicated their intent at this time to run for their same positions for the 2025 team:
Vacant President
Vacant Vice-President
Lance Arnt Treasurer
Ann Burk Secretary
Kathy Jenner Membership Coordinator
Alan Alterbaum At-Large
Elizabeth Brickfield At-Large
Joan Fine At-Large
Tony Doom At-Large
Wendy Linow At-Large
Vacant At-Large
Current leadership team members, please contact Diane as soon as possible to confirm your intention to run again for the same position, or if you wish to run for a different position. If a current leadership team member decides to run for a different position, an updated advisory notice will be sent to the club membership.
It is especially important that we find candidates for President and Vice-President. Please give serious thought to filling these important positions. The club cannot succeed without volunteers willing to serve on the leadership team.
If you would like to serve the club as a leadership team member or discuss the possibility of running for a position, please send a brief interest email to Diane. Please provide her with the position(s) you are interested in filling. The deadline for submitting your candidacy is 4 p.m. on November 6.
The list of candidates will be sent to the membership on November 10. More details about the election process will be provided at that time. The election will take place during the monthly meeting on November 20. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.